Monday, December 17, 2012

Cooling Towers

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes has proposed changes to the National Building Code that would:

·        impose minimum distances between cooling towers and a building’s air intake and exhaust vents

·         mandate backflow prevention devices and other drainage controls

·         reference for reducing legionella risks

This is intended to address the longstanding problem of inspections and maintenance of a building’s potable water system and to protect building occupants of legionella disease.

These proposed changes will require building owners to install service platforms and fixed caged ladders to provide ready access for inspection, monitoring, and testing of cooling towers.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Labour and TSSA inspectors are currently issuing time orders to have this equipment installed (when an Inspector views a cooling towers without safe access).

With the Inspector’s increased enforcement this puts pressure on building management to take a proactive approach.

Pro-Bel can provide an assessment of your cooling tower to ensure access equipment is installed and is safe to use.